Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's almost time for jail again

 Imagine going to sleep, waking up and finding out you killed somebody. 
That's exactly what happened to me. 
Two years ago, I was drunk and fell asleep at the wheel. I'm not trying to make excuses.
But I never ever would have done such a thing on purpose. And if there were 
some way I could go back and change it, I would. 
In fact, I've been sober ever since.
Now I'm paying for my crime by being incarcerated two weeks a year for the 
next 10 years.
This blog follows my journey afterward, trying to put my life back together in 
between spending a week in jail at Christmas and at Father's Day each year.

A week from Friday I'll be turning myself in again for a week stint in the Davidson County jail.
That's a consequence of my actions. I drove drunk, hit and killed Eddy McCreery and left the scene without even knowing what I had done.
That was a little more than three years ago. I haven't had a drop to drink or any drugs since.
With only a few days left, this is about the time where I start wishing the hours and the days would be longer, longer so that the inevitable - my incarceration - wouldn't happen again.
Back in the recesses of my mind, I know this isn't feasible and I can't fool myself for long.
But for today, I'm free and that's a blessing.

I got a new probation officer recently, and she told me there is a woman on her caseload who committed vehicular homicide. She's in jail. She was driving the wrong way on I-24 and caused someone's death.
She got a 10-year sentence, the same as mine, but she has to serve two years of it day for day.
I am so grateful not to be locked up for that length of time. I'm grateful to Mr. McCreery's family, who
must have agreed with the district attorney to offer me my sentence.
I have some special conditions. I go to jail every six months for a week, at Christmas and at Father's Day. I am required to speak on my victim's birthday and the anniversary of the accident. I have to attend recovery
meetings every week. I had 240 hours of community service, which I have completed.


The speaking engagements have really been a healing experience for me.
Although I am required to speak twice a year, I do it as often as possible. I had about 14 dates last year.
These talks help me because I walk around with the knowledge everyday that I unwittingly, drunkenly, ran over and killed a husband and a father, a brother and an uncle.
That's hard to live with.
For the first two years, I couldn't get out of bed and face myself in the mirror let alone my family members and friends.
But for an hour each time I speak I get to let you in. I get to reveal the path of destruction I blazed through two families.
I get to pour out my heart and soul to a captive audience about what addiction looks like, who it hurts,
the lasting ramifications of my poor choices on the innocent sons and daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters.
Sound like it would be gut-wrenching to relive it again and again?
Guess what? It's just the opposite.
It's the best thing I have ever done for myself. By focusing less and less on myself and more and more on the message of what can happen if you drink and drive, I am becoming whole again.


My mission today is not to recruit people for the recovery program in which I participate.
It's not to teach you how to get sober.
I'm not really interested in divulging the particulars of how I achieved three years of continuous sobriety.
What I am focused on today is sharing my experience, strength and hope.
In gritty detail, I will show you what self-sabotage looks like and how one moment in time derailed the life of someone who was living the dream with a great job, three wonderful kids and what one popular women's magazine calls "epic love."
What you do with that is your business.
I will always hope that you commit my story to your hearts and minds, and make good choices that will lead you down the right roads to prosperity, love and peace.
I'll be in a location near you sharing my story. Next month, I was invited to speak at three different locations.
I am donating my time for the cause.
Spread the word, and help me reduce drunk-driving fatalities.
Thank you Lord for the opportunities. Amen.

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